28 al 30 de Octubre de 2024
Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile


The International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC) invites the submission of papers describing original, previously unpublished work in all areas of Computer Science.

The SCCC conference is a forum for the presentation of recent original work, and it is an opportunity for students and researchers to extend their research network.

The 43rd version of this event will be held in Temuco, Chile.

We call for submissions on the broad field of computer science and informatics, considering the following topics of interest (but not limited to):

  • Algorithms
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Bioinformatics
  • Business process mining
  • Business process models
  • Collaborative systems
  • Computer graphics
  • Computer networks
  • Computer vision
  • Databases
  • Distributed and parallel systems
  • Human-computer interaction
  • Information retrieval
  • Model-driven engineering
  • Multi-agent systems
  • Multimedia
  • Natural language processing
  • Numerical methods
  • Operating systems
  • Programming languages
  • Theory of computer science
  • Security and cryptography
  • Simulation
  • Software engineering
  • Text and data mining
  • Web technologies
  • Social and professional topics
  • Mathematics of computing
  • Applied computing (Operation Research,
  • Arts and Humanities)
  • Hardware


The International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society (SCCC) will take place on October 28-30, 2024, at the Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile.



Prospective authors are invited to submit manuscripts reporting original unpublished research and recent developments in the topics related to the conference.

Submissions must be formatted according to the IEEE CS proceedings format. Papers can be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese. Papers in Spanish or Portuguese must have their title and abstract in English. We welcome submissions for the following categories:

  • Short papers (4 pages): describe work in progress with relevant preliminary results that is not yet ready to be published as a full paper.
  • Full papers (up to 8 pages): describe finished or consolidated work that has not been published elsewhere.

Submissions will be made through the EasyChair system.

By submitting a paper, authors implicitly agree that at least one of them must be registered at the conference in order to present the paper. Only papers that have been presented by their authors during the conference will be published in the IEEE Proceedings indexed by Scopus, if they meet the IEEE quality review standards.

Contributing Journals:
The best papers from the International Conference will be invited to create an extended version for one of the following journals:

  • DTAA- Data Technologies and Applications (JCR-Q3)
  • CIT – Formación Universitaria (Scielo – Scopus)
  • CIT – Información Tecnológica (Scielo)


Oriel Herrera Gamboa

Universidad Católica de Temuco, Chile


Luis Rojas Pino

Universidad San Sebastián, Chile


Angélica Urrutia

Universidad Finis Terrae Santiago, Chile


Program Committee

Aguilar Torres Eduardo Universidad Católica del Norte eduardo.aguilar@ucn.cl Chile
Arriagada Mauricio Universidad de Tarapacá mauricio.arriagada@academicos.uta.cl Chile
Barrientos Ricardo J. Universidad Católica del Maule ricardo.j.barrientos@gmail.com Chile
Barriga Nicolas Universidad de Talca nbarriga@utalca.cl Chile
Besoain Felipe Universidad de Talca fbesoain@utalca.cl Chile
Bozo Jorge Universidad Finis Terrae jorge.bozo@gmail.com Chile
Bravo Maria Alejandra Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez mariaabravo@alumnos.uai.cl Chile
Bruno Mario Universidad de Playa Ancha mbruno@upla.cl Chile
Calderón-Maureira Juan-Felipe Universidad Andrés Bello juan.calderon@unab.cl Chile
Campos Pedro Universidad del Bío-Bío pgcampos@ubiobio.cl Chile
Caniupán Mónica Universidad del Bío-Bío mcaniupan@ubiobio.cl Chile
Carrizo Dante universidad de atacama dante.carrizo@uda.cl Chile
Carvajal-Schiaffino Ruben Universidad de Santiago de Chile ruben.carvajal@usach.cl Chile
Cornide Reyes Héctor Universidad de Atacama hector.cornide@uda.cl Chile
Cravero Ania Universidad de La Frontera ania.cravero@ufrontera.cl Chile
Díaz David Universidad de Chile ddiaz@fen.uchile.cl Chile
Duarte Vannessa Universidad Católica del Norte vannessa.duarte@ucn.cl Chile
Ezzatti Pablo udelar pezzatti@fing.edu.uy Uruguay
Fenner Julio Universidad de La Frontera julio.fenner@ufrontera.cl Chile
Figueroa Flores Carola Universidad del Bío Bío Cfigueroa@ubiobio.cl Chile
Flores-Calero Marco Universidad Fuerzas Armadas mjflores@espe.edu.ec Ecuador
Fuentes Joel Intel Corporation joel.fuentes.lopez@gmail.com Chile
García Barrera Francisco Universidad Arturo Prat francgar@unap.cl Chile
Gatica Gustavo Andres Bello ggatica@unab.cl Chile
Gonzalez Paulo Universidad de Talca paulo.gonzalezg@utalca.cl Chile
Greco Matías Universidad San Sebastían matiasjgreco@gmail.com Chile
Gutierrez Francisco J. Universidad de Chile frgutier@dcc.uchile.cl Chile
Hecht Geoffrey Universidad de Concepción ghecht@inf.udec.cl Chile
Hernández García Ruber Universidad Católica del Maule rhernandez@ucm.cl Chile
Inostroza-Ponta Mario Universidad de Santiago de Chile mario.inostroza@usach.cl Chile
Ladra Susana Universidade da Coruña susana.ladra@udc.es España
Lévano Marcos Universidad Católica de Temuco mlevano@uct.cl Chile
Lincolao Ignacio Universidad Católica de Temuco ilincolao@uct.cl Chile
Lopez Cortes Xaviera Universidad Catolica del Maule xlopez@ucm.cl Chile
Mellado Alejandro Universidad Católica de Temuco amellado@uct.cl Chile
Meneses Villegas Claudio Universidad Católica del Norte cmeneses@ucn.cl Chile
Merino Leonel Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile leonel.merino@uc.cl Chile
Moreno Sebastian Universidad Adolfo Ibañez sebastian.moreno.araya@gmail.com Chile
Ochoa Sergio Universidad de Chile sochoa@dcc.uchile.cl Chile
Orozco-Arroyave Juan-Rafael Universidad de Antioquia rafael.orozco@udea.edu.co Colombia
Palacios Pablo Universidad Diego Portales pablo.palacios@mail.udp.cl Chile
Pedemonte Martín Universidad de la República - Uruguay mpedemon@fing.edu.uy Uruguay
Pons Claudia Universidad Nacional de La Plata cpons@lifia.info.unlp.edu.ar Argentina
Rojas Dario Universidad Finis Terrae drojas@uft.cl Chile
Rojas-Mora Julio Universidad Católica de Temuco julio.rojas@uct.cl Chile
Romero Vásquez Miguel Universidad del Bío-Bío miguel.romro@ubiobio.cl Chile
Silvestre Luis Universidad de Talca lsilvestre@utalca.cl Chile
Solar Mauricio Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María mauricio.solar@usm.cl Chile
Tirado Felipe Universidad Católica del Maule ftirado@ucm.cl Chile
Torres Claudio Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María claudio.torres@usm.cl Chile
Urra Enrique Universidad de Aysén enrique.urra@uaysen.cl Chile
Valarezo Añazco Edwin Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral edgivala@espol.edu.ec Ecuador
Valencia Johnny Universidad de Aysén johnny.valencia@uaysen.cl Chile
Valle Carlos Universidad de Playa Ancha carlos.valle@upla.cl Chile
Varas Marcela U de Concepción mvaras@udec.cl Chile